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Hydropanels – A Breakthrough In Renewable Water

Clean accessible water is an essential resource that communities across the globe struggle to have. Whether through contamination, access or even because of drought, clean water can be scarce. Zero Mass Water is aiming to rectify this issue by making water renewable and accessible through the use of Hydropanels.

What are Hydropanels?

Where a solar panel converts the sun into renewable energy, the SOURCE Hydropanels harness the sun and converts the air into clean drinking water. It does this by capturing water vapor from the surrounding air and turning it into pure water that is then transferred into an air-tight system within the panel. Once in the system, the water is mineralized and passed through a flavor polishing cartridge before becoming available to drink from the tap.

SOURCE is a perfect way to supply your home with clean consistent drinking water. While great for the home, the application of SOURCE beyond the residential space is immense. The device is able to create water in deserts and climates where it is harder to acquire water. In the wake of natural disasters, the ability to turn air into water, without having to reinstate utility services is substantial. The Hydropanels are unaffected by air quality letting them be used in contaminated and smoggy environments, like the greater Los Angeles area for example.

SOURCE Hydropanels around the world

The benefits of providing clean drinking water are not only beneficial in wake of natural disasters or smog, but in communities in need of clean water across the globe. One such example is the Dar Al Aytam Orphanage in Lebanon. Children are among the most vulnerable to contamination in their drinking water and the residents of the orphanage are in need of safe, reliable, and affordable drinking water. While Lebanon is among the more water-rich nations in the region, infrastructure in Lebanon leaves residents having to rely on bottled water.

SOURCE has application in areas not directly inhabited by humans as well and can provide benefits to that of the animal kingdom. Three Hydropanels have been installed in the Sonoran Desert providing water for the wildlife in the area. The panels were installed and connected to a drinking hole for coyotes, rabbits, bobcats, mountain lions, and more animals to enjoy.

This is true, renewable, water independence. No longer are you tied down to utility companies, you create the water you drink. No more wasted plastic, no more contaminated water, just pure clean drinking water that refills every day.

SOURCE Hydropanels in your home or office

If SOURCE Hydropanels can revolutionize water across the world it can certainly revolutionize your home. In combination with solar panels, your home can truly harness the waste-free potential of renewable resources. Join the revolution of water independence and add a Hydropanel to your home.

Rachael Ray Segment

Zero Mass Water’s SOURCE was just featured on a recent episode of Rachael Ray, check it out below!


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